Here is a summary of the latest savings accounts.
- HSBC Direct Online Savings Account 3.50% APY
No fees and no minimums, FDIC insured - Washington Mutual (WaMu) Free Checking 3.75% APY*
Free Checks, Free ATM Cash Withdraws
Minimum balance to open is $1, FDIC insured - W|T Direct Savings Account 3.31% APY
After 60 days, change to 0.6% if balance is less than $10,000
No fees and no minimums, FDIC insured - Capital One Direct Banking 3.00% APY
No fees and no minimums, FDIC insured - ING Direct Electric Orange Checking Account Up to 3.40% APY
No fees and no minimums, FDIC insured - ING Direct Orange Savings Account 3.00% APY
No fees and no minimums, FDIC insured - E*TRADE Bank Complete Savings Account 3.30% APY
No account fees and no minimums, FDIC insured
* The stock price of Washington Mutual (WaMu) dropped to a low level. As long as your Money in your savings account is less than $100,000, your deposit is secure and is insured by the FDIC.