6/18早上要參加美國公民考試, 到現在還在混, 趁上班不忙的時間, 趕緊趕一下進度. 這份是舊考題, 10/1/2008之後申請公民的人, 面試的口試題目將採用新考題, 聽說新考題比較難, 連美國人都不一定會. 如果是在10/1/2008前申請, 但是面試時間是在10/1/2008之後, 申請人可自由決定要用新或舊考題口試. 幸好我年初趕在簽證費用漲價前申請的, 所以還可以用舊考題口試. 真是天助我也, 可是美國政府撈錢撈的太厲害了, 簽證費用一漲漲了好幾百塊, 他們不知道錢難賺嗎?!
Current USCIS Test Questions
1. What are the colors of our flag?
Red, White, and Blue.
2. How many stars are there in our flag?
3. What color are the stars on our flag?
4. What do the stars on the flag mean?
One for each state in the Union.
5. How many stripes are there in the flag?
6. What color are the stripes?
Red and White.
7. What do the stripes on the flag mean?
They represent the original 13 states.
8. How many states are there in the Union?
9. What is the 4th of July?
Independence Day.
10. What is the date of Independence Day?
July 4th
11. Independence from whom?
12. What country did we fight during the Revolutionary War?
13. Who was the first President of the United States?
George Washington
14. Who is the President of the United States today?
Currently George W. Bush
15. Who is the vice-president of the United States today?
Currently Richard B. ("Dick") Cheney
16. Who elects the President of the United States?
The electoral college
17. Who becomes President of the United States if the President should die?
Vice - President
18. For how long do we elect the President?
Four years
19. What is the Constitution?
The supreme law of the land
20. Can the Constitution be changed?